Men’s guru

How to Attract a Woman

How to Attract a Woman?
Answering this question is one of the key directions in the development of Scissor Hands.

Before asking yourself this question, ask yourself what you will do with it and how you plan to build on your success after that. After all, attraction is only the first step, leading to relationships. But what are relationships to you, and what can they become? Our goal here is to help you stay on the right track in this search, and let’s just say: don’t seek attraction for the sake of attraction; seek an inner response, as it cannot be faked.

Remember: a woman is the queen on the chessboard, and she moves as she pleases. She has the power to change the past, to confuse you, to manipulate you, but also to inspire, motivate, and energize you. So, how do you make sure that the kind queen does not turn into an ice queen?


“Motivation, control, perspective” is an internal, foundational, cyclical triangle of behavior that a woman builds in a relationship with a man.

Any attraction begins with motivation, which the man must create for the woman, meaning he must show her why she should pay attention to him. Next comes a transition to control: the woman becomes interested in you and begins to understand how and with what she can control you — you might even start to sense it. Then comes the transition to perspective, the question of: what’s next? Where are we going, what else can you offer me, what is our future perspective? And as soon as a perspective begins to take shape, you’re brought back to the stage of motivation, because the woman, satisfied with the perspective you offer, now feels stimulated and motivated to continue on — on the condition that you’re still under her control. And so, the cycle continues, endlessly.

If any stage fails to satisfy her, she easily leaves the relationship. Moving forward is the man’s responsibility: in this world, work is essential, and a man’s success is always rewarded by a woman.

Let’s break this down in greater detail.

Motivation — at this stage, you need to “catch” her attention. This could be through material attributes, youth, attractiveness, a car, a fit body, intelligence, gentleness, social status, charisma, or an interesting persona. Once you establish eye contact and her gaze makes it clear that she’s interested, you can cross her boundaries and enter her space, and then begin motivating her through what she hears.

Considering sensory perception, a woman’s primary sense is sight, followed by hearing, and only after that — smell and touch. Try to fill as much of her sensory experience as possible with positive impressions of yourself. In other words, give her what she wants to see and hear at that moment. A woman may create problems, play with words, shift roles, or raise her worth to test how strong your motivation is. However, these “problems” signal her interest.

Nature — she must feel an inner response, that you’ve succeeded in some way. It doesn’t matter that different hearts have different keys; what’s important is to show your readiness.

Best approach: every woman is a fortress. Regardless of her age, social status, or tastes, she is still a fortress that can be conquered. History has not seen a fortress that could not be taken, so anything is possible; persistence is key.

Control — at this stage, the woman tries to understand what she can control you with. This is a crucial moment: if she realizes that you’re beyond her grasp and she has no way to control you, she will immediately pull back. Control is the next level in relationships for a woman. Ultimately, she may gain full control not only over you but over all of your achievements; opting out can be costly since the law is fully on her side.

Nature — for the most part, a woman is a slave to her desires and a fragile being with heightened fear, needing protection and solid assurance that her partner won’t abandon her without reason.

Best approach: it’s not necessary to give her full control over you. You can create the illusion of control, but this only suits short-term relationships. For long-term relationships, it’s essential to shift control to a democratic framework — through mutual concessions and respect for each partner’s boundaries.

Perspective – you’ve motivated her with your best attribute, she sees that you’re civilized, non-threatening, and can be under her control. But what’s next? What’s in it for her? Here comes the next stage — perspective, or what gift are you ready to bring next to her “altar”? This could be as simple as your company, a coffee date, a bouquet of flowers, a movie night, a new phone, travel, a committed relationship, marriage, a child, an apartment, a car, or even another child. After establishing perspective, the cycle begins again, returning to motivation, and so on for life.

Nature –  women have an inherent drive to keep moving forward. Anything in which she invests her time, energy, and emotions must have development, considering the number of her admirers.

Best approach – you must accept the rules of the game; anything that doesn’t work is left behind.

Of course, there are exceptions at times, but exceptions only prove the rule.


Just as you would take aptitude tests to enter a university or apply for a prestigious job, you also need to pass “tests” with a woman. Through interactions, she needs to understand three simple things: your stress resilience, your achieved attributes, and the level of control she can have over you. Based on this, she will decide whether to continue with this attraction.

TEST 1: Criticism
In this test, a woman may throw sharp insults to see if you are psychologically balanced and whether you might harm her physically, either now or in the future.

Solution – ignore her criticism with a gentle smile, remaining unflappably calm inside. I assure you, as soon as a woman realizes you’re okay, she will mirror your outward reaction and respond to you positively.

TEST 2: Who Are You?
Here, the woman tries to understand your social position relative to hers and considers what “price” to assign you: are you better suited for a short-term interaction or for a long-term relationship? Keep in mind that whatever you impress her with at the beginning must be maintained throughout, as she will expect you to keep up this standard.

Solution – show off with attire, attributes, and words, but don’t disclose where and what exactly you do for work. Otherwise, you may either be ignored or given a double “bill.” Your goal is to buy time for psychological connection; slowly blend your consciousness with hers and expand it to achieve a deeper mental connection.

TEST 3: I’m Leaving
This is an age-old tactic. Here, a woman tries to understand how independent and strong you are by pretending to leave. She attempts to provoke the necessary emotional response in you with the manipulation of “you’ll lose me and regret it,” aiming to get more concessions from you, testing your ability to give her more emotionally and materially.

Solution – under no circumstances should you hold her back; this is crucial. If she says she wants to leave, simply help her do so. Tell her you’ll support any decision she makes, and when she’s dressed and ready to go, there’s an 80% chance that she’ll change her mind — if it really is a manipulation — and want to stay. However, sometimes they may simply be intimidated by your firmness.

PHASE 3: Types of Relationships
Attraction is important, but sometimes you may go further and enter into a relationship. There are only 10 types of relationships, just like the fingers on your hands, and your role in these relationships depends solely on you.

1. Henpecked Partner
This is the type of relationship in which the woman takes on the dominant role, while the man assumes responsibility for mistakes. You may be pampered and turned into a “domestic cat.” In reality, this is a very beneficial and practical position for a man: you choose a woman with a dowry and serve her.
Victory Factor – loyalty and tolerance.
Suitable Products – you need to please your partner and soothe her whims, so the “Fallen Angel” dry body oil would be a perfect fit.


2. Kept Partner
This is an alternative to the previous type, but it’s the woman who assumes the role. Many are familiar with couples with a significant age difference or where the woman greatly surpasses her partner in attractiveness. This type of relationship relies entirely on your financial footing, and heaven forbid you enter into such a relationship without having prepared a solid financial structure.
Victory Factor – capital.
Suitable Products – you have a lot on your plate and little time for self-care, but don’t forget to take care of yourself! You need to maintain your authority to avoid being taken advantage of more than you allow, and the “Marlboro” dry body oil will set boundaries for what’s permissible with your partner.


3. The Investor
At first glance, this may seem like the type of relationship under the first category, but it’s not. The difference between the first type and the investor is that here the man consciously makes concessions to the woman, and only he decides whether he wants to be in this relationship or not. Everything depends on how long the woman can afford to pay for such a relationship. This is the case where a woman has succeeded in the male world by playing by their rules and can now afford a young partner. There are always plenty of people on both sides who prefer not to work and offer the illusion of love for a certain price.
Victory Factor – youth, a fit body, and qualities that are worth buying.
Suitable Products – here, you need strong styling, as you should spoil your partner with new looks — use the “Bad Groom” hair cream.


4. Equality
This is the most effective type of relationship, but it requires both psychological and career maturity. These relationships can grow into something substantial and help smooth over old mistakes. Here, you show what you have and who you are, and your partner matches that. This is also an excellent alliance for two professionals, enabling them to create a strong, specialized lineage.
Victory Factor– intellectual maturity of both partners.
Suitable Products – where there’s intellect, there’s variety. You’ll need our entire product line because you’re running a marathon, expanding your horizons, and that requires versatility.


5. The Victim
An abusive type of relationship where either physical or psychological harm is inflicted on the partner, yet they choose to stay, enduring and remaining with you. Often, these are relationships for the sake of having a relationship or blind attempts to find a way out that will never lead anywhere. You go in circles for a long time, hoping for change, but it doesn’t happen and never will.
Victory Factor – you need to break the shared habits you’ve been conditioned to follow.
Suitable Products – “Vigor” beard growth oil, which helps build masculinity with all the qualities of a real man, giving you the push towards positive changes.


6. The Knight
This is the ideal type of relationship for a man, where you receive pure, sincere love. You are valued and loved for who you are; your partner is crazy about you and cries over you at night. The knight in more mature years may also take the form of an investor, supporting his lady in her career growth and self-development, yet he remains the knight in shining armor.
Victory Factor – youthful age, in which you’re at the peak of your abilities, and later, hard work on yourself and career success.
Suitable Products – “Grey” solid body perfume, which accentuates the scent of male bravery and honor, further inspiring admiration from your partner.


7. The Martyr
In this type of relationship, your material or psychological resources are drained until a better option comes along. When you’re left for a better choice (which will inevitably fail), she may try to return to the previous “feeder” to regain strength at your expense for a new leap forward. Because you’re a convenient option whose well-being is disregarded — a moral “punching bag” or a donor for support.
Victory Factor — self-realization, education, and physical fitness.
Suitable Products – start by investing in literature or a gym membership, and once you’ve gained freedom and self-respect, consider trying our merchandise.


8. The Trainer
This type of relationship involves competing with your partner and trying to “train” her up to your ideal image, enhancing her intellectual or physical abilities while showcasing your own capabilities and achievements. This is an unreliable plan, as trying to reshape someone into your ideal is akin to a dystopian vision.
Victory Factor – if you’re dissatisfied with your partner’s lifestyle or behavior and she has no desire for change, it’s better to get a dog.
Suitable Products – “Egoist” hair paste, designed for those like you who are eager to race towards their goals and inspire envy in everyone around.


9. Family Council
In this type of relationship, your actions are based on the words and wishes of her relatives. They feel they hold a key stake in your relationship and believe they know best how things should be. Your partner will speak with their words, echoing their discontent. It’s important to understand that these are not her own thoughts and words; her family has implanted them in her mind. This is simply due to a lack of life experience, a habit from childhood of being a “good girl” in an overprotective family, and a failure to separate from her parents in time.
Victory Factor – escape, either alone or together, away from family influence.
Suitable Products – a hair conditioner is a good option for clarity and a refreshed mindset.


10. Lovers
It’s unknown who invented the first love triangle, but the fact that it suits many is undeniable. You can only be in this type of relationship if you’re already in a committed relationship or if you secretly join an existing one, either with mutual consent or discreetly.
Victory Factor – a culture of freedom.
Suitable Products – here, the main thing is to wash yourself as often as possible and only with your own products. One of my friends is always sniffed by his wife for signs of infidelity when he comes home. So, use “Rocket” shampoo regularly — you’ll avoid suspicion and win everyone over.


In Summary
To sum up the second phase, I want to note that social roles in relationships can change, but the most important thing is the origin of the relationship, the foundation it was built upon. When tough times or crises arise, as they do for all couples, the initial attraction and reason for the relationship’s foundation will play a crucial role. If the origins are not “noble,” it’s easy to abandon such relationships in favor of a future, more meaningful partnership, leaving you as just a “fallen pilot.”
Here’s the text translated into English:

This is a game in which you must always remain the winner; otherwise, you risk losing your independence and being forced to play by her rules. Here are the main types of manipulations:

1. «Changing the Past» – this is a cunning manipulation, often used by women aged 18 to 25. Something happened, and you’re sure the truth is on your side, but she claims something entirely different and insists it didn’t happen that way — in other words, “don’t trust what you saw, trust what I’m telling you.”

Solution: She will keep using this until you start developing your memory; the only way to strengthen it is by reading books — they alone will help.

2. “Well Done”— — don’t play along with excessive self-praise, or you’ll immediately fall into her manipulation, which relies on her “approval.” Most often, she’ll use phrases like “well done,” and if you hear this without further explanation, it’s a warning sign that manipulation is beginning.

Solution: It’s very simple; respond with, “Of course, well done.” I assure you, this will throw her off. By doing this, you show that you understand her attempt to manipulate and that you don’t need her “approval,” nor are you tired of hearing it.

3. “I Love You”. love is a fleeting event, practically invisible; it’s the quintessence of life, its pinnacle, with the highest value. It can’t be bought with money, and most importantly, it can’t be faked. You can always feel true love, but it’s often easier for men to deceive themselves because it’s frightening to admit when a woman isn’t genuine with them, which is exactly what women count on. True love is a long process, and believing in the myth of “love at first sight” is naive. Attraction and desire, perhaps, but not love. Romantic speeches during the first or second meeting should raise red flags because, most likely, they are veiled traps.

Solution: If you feel like you’re being deceived, you probably are; your heart has no interest in deceiving you and will always tell you the truth.

4. “I Finished» –this happens in bed during the first intimate encounter. She moans loudly and tells you that you’re a “god”; in reality, she’s merely flattering you to make you into an obedient “puppy” who craves her praise. If a woman truly experiences an orgasm, she won’t say so; you’ll simply notice it by her startled face and trembling hands.

Solution: First, don’t believe it; second, simply ignore it.

5. “I’m Crying” — this is their most insidious weapon, one they’ve used to manipulate us for millennia. Tears are the pinnacle of their strategy. If a woman can’t get what she wants from you, she’ll turn on the tears. Don’t trust them if you see her crying without a genuine reason; understand that she’s trying to manipulate you. It’s difficult for men to cry — something very painful has to happen for us to do so. Psychologically, when we see a woman crying, we recall our own pain and assume she feels the same, but in reality, crying for them is as simple as going to the bathroom. Remember, women’s tears are mostly a form of manipulation, while men’s tears are pure truth. Use this to your advantage.

Solution: Have you hit her? No. Stolen from her? No. Assaulted her? No. Yelled at her? No. Then you haven’t done anything bad to her, nor anything that would be considered a criminal act, so if she’s crying, it’s just romantic dramatization — tell her that.

Conclusion: All problems arise because we allow them to happen, we argue and leave scars on each other’s hearts. Healthy relationships, like health itself, need to be preserved from the start. Keep that first spark of attraction alive as long as possible, and you’ll never go astray.

PHASE 5: Postscript
Your other half exists somewhere on the other side of the multiverse, beyond the event horizon in a black hole, a mirror of this world and in a female form. When you see her, you’ll feel an inner response, and everything will align as it should — this is the attraction meant just for you, and our mission is to help you stay on the right path in finding her. But first, you must understand an ancient truth: we are drawn to what resembles us and turn away if it is different. Align yourself with what you wish to attract, for you have your entire life to do so.

Finally, I would add, from my own observations, that if she really likes you, she will prove it by offering to split the bill at a restaurant, because we value what we invest in.

Author of the article:

Nazar Eduardovych Zinenko,

CEO of Scissor Hands™


Kurylo Svitlana Pavlivna